Tuesday 5 April 2022

The taste of an emotion

Anger alone is destructive

Blind, vicious,

like a mole in a well-trimmed lawn

Intent to ravage for vengeance.

But met with hurt,

it becomes poison.

Burning scotch mixed with the hottest oil

It only leaves the taste of bile

Grazes the back of your tongue

Before simmering back

Corroding from within

Overriding mind with a single sense

Pain, pain, pain...

With tears, anger becomes a salve,

Stinging astringent that cools over time

A kindling caress

And then relief

Pain in small doses is healing

Let it be.

Still, beware the mole

Drinking poison and bile alike

Do not let it out of your sight

Guard it - but be kind

It has suffered enough

Anger borne in solitude cannot withstand love.

The above poem is for the NaPoWriMo2022. Day 4. The prompt is exactly what the title says "The taste of an emotionfrom @literarychills prompts for NaPoWriMo2022.


  1. that last line just really hit home... wonderfully worded <3

    1. This is so well-written! You've understood the prompt so well, and put it wonderfully! ❤️

    2. ❤️❤️❤️ thank you Shubhs :')
