Tuesday 5 April 2022


(Kagura was a wind sorceress from the anime InuYasha who wanted to be free from the demon Naraku who controlled her heart. She does get her wish but unfairly dies soon after. The following is what I think Kagura would have done if she got a chance to live a free life. If you want, you can see her final moments here to get a better feel of the poem.)

I imagine you doing mundane work

Walking glens

sleeping in

riding the wind


Unshackled of the demon,

I imagine you roaming,

picking fruits and biting into them -

Did you ever eat?

When robbed off your heart

did you rest?

Look after your sister?

Cook a meal?

How did you keep your will?

You are the wind,

Free by your own naming

but no longer in the flesh.

So I imagine you

by the river, washing your chequered kimono

in the forest, searching feathers for your hair

But most of all, 

where the open field drank your poisoned blood

and held you come eternal sleep.

In this version

Your body does not bleed

Your eyes do not glaze over

You are yours to keep.

In this version you lie,

at peace,

watch a cloud go by

fan yourself a gentle breeze (for once)

Maybe pluck a flower

then its petals piece-by-piece

think of him?

It does not matter

You simply exist - free.

The above poem was meant to be a NaPoWroMo2022 poem based on Day 5's prompt (writing about a mythical person/creature doing something out of character) but I tweaked it to a fictional character instead. This is my third day (and second year) tweaking the prompt so much thus I decided to take it out of the NaPoWriMo category,


  1. I love how this prompt gives us the power to reimagine a character and give them the story we want to see! Absolutely loved your poem, bb. 🤧❤️

    1. Really! I thought of a few mythical characters but this one hits home 🤧

  2. This makes me want to watch InuYasha!🤧
