Saturday 23 April 2022

I looked at the sky...

An aurora outline of two binary lights

waged a lazy war at dusk

The midnight blue destined a win,

and still crimson rays shone the descending sun.

Along the horizon,

degrees below this epic battle,

headlights flashed their small nexus,

blurs of white, orange, red,

like comets visiting every other second.

A queer calm awakens in the eve,

not around but within.

When mind, tired, switches to auto-pilot

but keeps the "wonder" light blinking.

Earphones firmly lodged today,

I looked to the sky with a rare kind of awe.

The kind reminiscent to infant joy

on seeing a colour melt into another.

The above poem is for the NaPoWriMo2022. Day 22. The prompt is from @literarychills prompts for NaPoWriMo2022 - look to the sky for a prompt.

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